Powerful Presentations
Your next event deserves a motivational keynote speaker that Dr. Oz (from Oprah & Friends) described as: “Powerful” and “Fascinating”, doesn’t it?
If so, you want to book Patrick Mathieu!
Patrick Mathieu’s professional development sessions related to “owning your life” and “living like you matter” offer constructive, positive strategies for staff with respect to well-being in both their personal and professional lives. His sessions are engaging and inspiring… interspersed with humour… a tremendously value-added experience for members of our ever-learning organization!
Patrick engages his audiences with humour and passion, challenges them and provides powerful take-aways that have a lasting impact.
Patrick’s presentations focus on four main themes:
– Resilience
– Engagement
– Focused Action
– Ownership
He also has a keynote presentation specifically for Healthcare Professionals.
Audiences Love Patrick
Customized for your audience
Whether he is motivating a sales team or a group of not-for-profit volunteers, Patrick’s powerful story and outstanding presentation skills allow him to connect with the audience and leave them with skills that will serve them for years to come. Keynotes and workshops are always customized for each specific audience, so you can be sure your group will get the maximum benefit.
Keynote Presentations
- What’s Your Expiry Date?
- Radical Resilience: Own Your Life – Live Like You Matter
- Spoiler Alert — Talking to Patients About Mortality (keynote for healthcare audiences)
Interactive Workshops
- What Matters Most?
- Radical Resilience
- Resilience for the Road of Life
- Staying Resilient at Work & at Home

Holding an event in New Orleans?
Radical Resilience is a theme near and dear to my heart. I can’t think of any place that exemplifies the spirit of resilience better than New Orleans. I love the city, it’s people and it’s incredible spirit (plus the amazing music and food!). I am happy to offer a standing 20% discount on my speaking fees for any event being held in New Orleans.
Past Clients
Here are some of the industries that Patrick has worked with. (Click the titles to see a selected list of clients in each category.)
Financial Services - (click to expand)
- Great West Life
- London Life
- Laurentian Financial Services
“The bottom line is that I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Patrick to anyone who is looking for a high-impact motivational keynote presentation for your producers!” Regional Director The Resource Center – Great-West Life
Healthcare - (click to expand)
- Guelph General Hospital
- McMaster University Health Sciences
- Renascent
- University Health Network
- Toronto General Hospital
Associations - (click to expand)
- Acoustic Neuroma Association of Canada
- Farm Safety Association
- Funeral Service Association of Canada
- Ontario Association of School Business Officials
Education - (click to expand)
- Guelph University
- Renfrew County District School Board
- St. Peter Catholic High School
“Your presentation was superb and was the subject of quite a few enthusiastic follow-up conversations. We truly benefitted from your exciting presentation, and we would be most grateful to you, and honoured, were you to return for future keynote speaking engagements at the University of Guelph.”
Not-For-Profit - (click to expand)
- Bernadette McCann House for Women Inc
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel
- Centre For Conscious Living
- Christ Church Unity Centre
- Guiding Star Church
- Royal Canadian Air Cadets
- Unity Kitchener
- Unity Centre of Practical Christianity
- Unity Church of Mississauga
- Unity of London
- Wellington Early Years Centres
“Patrick is a captivating speaker with a powerful message. It has been two weeks since his presentation and people are still talking about his message.” Rev. Sharon Clements, Unity Centre of Practical Christianity